Feature and Follow #1
Feature and Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read! :)
Hey everyone! I'm definitely new in this blog hop. It's already Monday in here but it's better late than never! Besides, I love the Question!
Q: Is there a song that reminds you of a book? Or vice versa? What is the song & the book?
Uhuh! Coldplay's The Scientist always make me remember Delirium by Lauren Oliver. I don't really know why but it does! Every time!
Here's the song!
How about you? What song reminds you of a book or vice versa? Link up and I'll follow you! :)
And if you have an account on bloglovin, please follow me there. The link is on the right side. GFC is going off soon! So it's better to be sure. ;)
I can't think of any songs that remind me of a book. I don’t connect music to books, and I usually read in quiet. Welcome to the blog hop!

REPLYNew Follower via BlogLovin and Twitter.
My FF @ The Creative Forum
Happy Reading!
Good song!

REPLYThanks for stoping by my FF! Followed you back via GFC
~Andrea @ Beauty but a Funny Girl
I'm familiar with Coldplay, but I've never listened to this song before. I'll have to remember to listen to it if I ever read Delirium.

REPLYThanks for stopping by! Followed back.
Daphne @ Reading Until Dawn
Now I'm always going to think of that song with that book too
REPLYYou can find me here: Jen @ YA Romantics
REPLYGreat song choice. I haven't read Delirium yet but I'm dying to as I've heard great things!
I'm a new follower in GFC and bloglovin!
My blog is Dee's Reads>
Oops! Link got fudged up.
REPLYDee's Reads
Thanks for the follow
REPLYLove Coldplay! I really liked Delirium, too. I think they go together, too.

REPLYNew follower by GFC and Bloglovin
Hey, there! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Feel free to leave a comment. I'd love to hear from you! I'll reply as soon as I can! ;)